Category: TRAM D201 Info

Tram D201
Posted in TRAM D201 Info

Tram D201 Tweaks and Peaks

Tram D201 Tweaks and Peaks Modulation: Adjust R647 AM Power: Adjust C711,C712ALC: Adjust R719 VFO Transmit Mod Remove Orange wire from relay and connect to PC board Ground 2) Install jumper from White/Blue wire on relay to White/Orange wire on relay 3) Remove White/Red wire fromD-125, Remove Anode end(no stripe) of D-126 from front wafer switch and connect to White/Red wire that was removed from D-125   The following information is from the credited source that may become lost forever if the website folds or other reasons as so much valuable cb information has been lost in the past fifteen years….